Bridge Functionality


example:/#> configure
example:/config/#> fdb
example:/config/fdb/#> show aging-timeout 
[no] aging-timeout <0|10..3825>

Manage aging timeout of dynamically learnt MAC entries. Default: 300 sec.

Dynamically learnt (unicast) MAC entries are refreshed whenever a new packet with the same source MAC is received on the port. Entries are removed if not refreshed within the aging-timeout value. A value of zero (0) disables aging entirely.

[no|show] group <ADDR> [vlan VID] port <PORTS|all>

Manage static IPv4 multicast entries

  • ADDR: IPv4 Multicast address, e.g., Note: It is not possible to add static entries for IP multicast in range 224.0.0.X or for other addresses mapping to the corresponding MAC range as 224.0.0.X, see reserved multicast groups.
  • vlan VID: Setting to limit the static multicast entry to a specific VLAN. If left out, the entry applies to all VLANs.
  • port : Port range of various port types:
    • Physical: E.g., eth1,eth3..eth5.
    • Link aggregates: E.g., lag1.
    • Virtual: E.g., ssl1
    • all: All ports. This keyword expands to all currently existing ports.

example:/config/fdb/#> group port eth3,ssl1
example:/config/fdb/#> group vlan 1 port all
example:/config/fdb/#> show group
IP Multicast Groups    VLAN  Port(s)               ALL  eth3, ssl1                 1  eth1..eth12, ssl1

[no|show] mac <ADDR> [vlan VID] port <PORTS,cpu|all,cpu>

Manage static MAC multicast entries.

  • ADDR: MAC multicast address. Can not be used for MAC addresses within the IPv4 multicast range of MAC addresses. That is, MAC addresses in range 01:00:5e:00:00:00 – 01:00:5e:7f:ff:ff should instead be managed via the group command, using IP multicast addresses.
  • vlan VID: Setting to limit the static multicast entry to a specific VLAN. If left out, the entry applies to all VLANs.
  • port : Port range of various port types:
    • Physical: E.g., eth1,eth3..eth5
    • Link aggregates: E.g., lag1
    • Virtual: E.g., ssl1
    • all: All ports (excluding CPU). This keyword expands to all currently existing ports.
    • cpu: Send to internal CPU port.

example:/config/fdb/#> mac 01:23:45:01:01:01 port eth1,eth3..eth5 example:/config/fdb/#> mac 01:23:45:01:01:02 vlan 1 port all example:/config/fdb/#> show mac Static MAC Entries VLAN Port(s) 01:23:45:01:01:01 ALL eth1, eth3..eth5 01:23:45:01:01:02 1 eth1..eth12, ssl1 example:/config/fdb/#>


When using link aggregation, the link aggregate (e.g., lag1) represents all its individual member ports for the group or mac commands. Thus, physical ports, such as eth1 and eth2, should not be added to the port list if they are member of a link aggregate.

FDB/MDB Status

example:/#> show fdb
GROUP              VLAN          PORT(S)                1             2          eth5..eth6, lag1

MAC                VLAN  STATE   PORT(S)                  
00:07:7c:61:e5:01     1  296 s   eth1
00:07:7c:61:e5:00     1  277 s   eth1
00:80:c8:3c:a7:ff     2  300 s   eth5
00:07:7c:61:e5:41     2  298 s   eth5
00:07:7c:61:e5:40     2  277 s   eth5
01:80:c2:00:00:0e     1  mcast   eth1..eth4, ssl1
01:80:c2:00:00:0e     2  mcast   eth5..eth6, lag1
01:80:c2:00:00:03     1  mcast   eth1..eth4, ssl1
01:80:c2:00:00:03     2  mcast   eth5..eth6, lag1
01:80:c2:00:00:00     1  mcast   eth1..eth4, ssl1
01:80:c2:00:00:00     2  mcast   eth5..eth6, lag1
01:80:c2:00:00:02     1  mcast   eth1..eth4, ssl1
01:80:c2:00:00:02     2  mcast   eth5..eth6, lag1

Flood unknown traffic to CPU

example:/#> configure
example:/config/#> system
example:/config/system/#> flooding
example:/config/system/flooding/#> multicast auto
example:/#> show
Unicast  : Enable
Multicast: Auto
[no] multicast <auto>

Set flooding of unknown multicast traffic to cpu. Default: enabled

Enable or disable flood of unknown multicast packets to the CPU.
Setting multicast to auto will enable flooding of multicast to the CPU when either tunnels or multicast forwarding is configured.


This setting is only available on selected platforms.

Flood unknown unicast to the CPU is always enabled.