Non redundant ECSP services HowTo

This document describes how to configure the ECSP services in a non redundant train setup.

See Figure 1 below

          cst1         cst2
        .-------.    .-------.
       /  UUID1  \  /  UUID2  \
       '---------'  '---------'
        .-------.    .-------.
      --+       +----+       +--     dir1 = (ethX5, ethX6)
  <-dir1| etbn1 |    | etbn2 |dir2-> dir2 = (ethX7, ethX8)
      --+       +----+       +--
        '---+---'    '---+---'
            |            |
            |       --+--+---- cst2-cn1 vlan10 (ethX3)
            |         |
            |       ECSC2
      --+---+----- cst1-cn1 vlan10 (ethX3)

Figure 1: Accessing the ECSP's in two consists.


etbn1:#> configure
etbn1:/config/#> vlan 10
Creating new VLAN vid:10 with name: vlan10
etbn1:/config/vlan-10/#> untagged ethX3
etbn1:/config/vlan-10/#> end
etbn1:/config/#> iface vlan10
etbn1:/config/iface-vlan10/#> no inet
etbn1:/config/iface-vlan10/#> inet static
etbn1:/config/iface-vlan10/inet-static-> end
etbn1:/config/iface-vlan10/#> end
etbn1:/config/#> ttdp
Activating TTDP with default settings.
DNS Server activated
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> uuid 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> node 1 ecn 1
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> ecn 1 vlan10
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> dir1 ethX5,ethX6
Remember to manually set mdi/mdi-x mode
 in port settings for all agg ports.
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> dir2 ethX7,ethX8
Remember to manually set mdi/mdi-x mode
 in port settings for all agg ports.
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> local-id 1
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> mroute group out 1,etb
Adding multicast route for
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> ecsp-iface vlan10
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> ecsp-addr
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> ecsc-addr
etbn1:/config/ttdp/#> end
TTDP: Created VLAN 492. Note that this VLAN will not be deleted automatically
  if TTDP is deactivated.
etbn1:/config/#> vlan 2
Creating new VLAN vid:2 with name: vlan2
etbn1:/config/vlan-2/#> no multicast-snooping
etbn1:/config/vlan-2/#> untagged lag-dir1,lag-dir2
etbn1:/config/vlan-2/#> end
etbn1:/config/#> end
Applying configuration.
Configuration activated.  Remember "copy run start" to save to flash (NVRAM**.

Now, repeat the exact steps above in the second ETB node. For brevity, only the steps that differs will be shown below.

etbn2:/config/ttdp/#> uuid 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222


See Port configuration on how to set MDI/MDIX on the aggregate ports.

Communication Profile configuration

Finally, for the ECSP’s to function properly, a communication profile configuration is needed on each node.

cst1 communication profile configuration
cst2 communication profile configuration

Transfer the communication profile configuration file to /cfg/comm-profile.json on each device.

The cst1 configuration file to etbn1. The cst2 configuration file to etbn2.


Ensure the filenames are correct. That is, they should end up with the name comm-profile.json in /cfg/ on their respective device.

See SCP HowTo for instructions on how to transfer files to the device.

When the above configuration is complete, the ECSP in cst1 uses IP address on iface vlan10, while the ECSP in cst2 uses IP address on iface vlan10.

To use the ECSP services on cst1, an ECSC client (ECSC1 in figure 1) needs to be running on a host with IP address To use the ECSP services on cst2, an ECSC client (ECSC2 in figure 1) needs to be running on a host with IP address (but connected to the correct consist net of course).