Factory Reset
The system configuration contains of several parts:
- WeOS configuration
- Boot configuration
- Certificate and key repository
- SSH host keys
This section describes the various methods to conduct a factory reset, which
- resets the WeOS configuration to the factory configuration of the running WeOS version
- resets the boot configuration to its default values
- clears the certificate and key repository
- clears the SSH host keys
As part of the factory reset, the unit will reboot.
Upon reboot, the system will create a default Web server certificate (self-signed), and also create new SSH host keys. The WeOS configuration and certificate/key repository are typically stored on internal flash. See Media Tools for details and alternatives.
If you only wish to reset the WeOS startup configuration, the CLI provides the following method:
example:/#> copy factory-config startup-config example:/#>
Factory Reset via Web Interface
To perform a factory reset of the device using the Web interface, navigate to Maintenance -> Factory Reset, then press the Reset button.
Factory Reset via the CLI
Factory reset can be done via the factory-reset
command when logged into
the unit.
example:/#> factory-reset Factory Reset -- Restore factory default settings. => Are you sure (y/N)? y Erasing barebox configuration Backing up theme catalog. Erasing all certificate and config files. Restoring branding. All done, rebooting...
Factory Reset via the Console
Factory reset can be done via the console port login prompt. This uses the special user and password factory/reset.
example login: factory Password: reset (typed, but not echoed back to screen) Factory Reset -- Restore factory default settings. => Are you sure (y/N)? y Erasing barebox configuration Backing up theme catalog. Erasing all certificate and config files. Restoring branding. All done, rebooting...