This document, being a non-exhaustive guide, outlines some practical examples of how to configure and use Precision Time Protocol.

For an overview of what PTP is and how it may be configured, refer to:


PTP may be used in various networks of different structures and complexity levels. One of the reasons behind flexibility and scalability of this protocol lies in the concept of Transparent Clock (TC). While Ordinary Clock (OC) has more or less static configuration and function, acting as either Master (providing time) or Slave (receiving time), TC acts as a kind of port expander, as in Figure 1 below, allowing numerous Slave clocks to get synchronized to single time source, the so called Grand Master clock (GM). There may be many interconnected TCs in a network, each serving as a link to time source, and also, in the case of ring structure, providing failover function. The workflow of each TC may dynamically change over time, adapting to various cicrumstances and states occuring in the network.

                                       |       |
                            +----------+s OC   |
                            |          |       |
                            |          '---+---'
        .-------.       .---+---.      .-------.
        |       |       |   m   |      |       |
        |  GM  m+-------+s TC  m+------+s OC   |
        |       |       |   m   |      |       |
        '-------'       '---+---'      '---+---'
                            |          .-------.
                            |          |       |
                            +----------+s OC   |
                                       |       |

Figure 1: Transparent clock as port expander. Letters 'm' and 's' represent MASTER and SLAVE ports respectively.

General considerations

PTP could be used in two different ways: within a vlan, or outside any vlan.

If PTP is used in a vlan, make sure to add PTP ports to desired vlan. Suppose ports eth3 and eth4 are standalone interfaces, and PTP is supposed to run in vlan 100:

oc-gm:/#> conf vlan 100
oc-gm:/config/vlan-100/#> untagged eth3,eth4
oc-gm:/config/vlan-100/#> leave

If PTP is used outside any vlan, make sure to remove PTP ports from vlans and have them as standalone interfaces in WeOS. Suppose ports eth3 and eth4 are part of vlan 1:

oc-gm:/#> conf vlan 1
oc-gm:/config/vlan-1/#> no untagged eth3,eth4
oc-gm:/config/vlan-1/#> leave

Regardless of chosen configuration, consistency should be kept in all ptp devices.

PTP configuration for a network represented in Figure 1

To ensure correct operation of PTP, all devices should use the same profile. Additionally, it is a good practice to ensure protocol compatibility of all PTP devices in the network. It is known that some older equipment does not support the newer 2.1 protocol version. WeOS supports both 2.0 (default) and 2.1 protocol versions and it is possible to give preference to one or the other in CLI/Web.

Let us configure GM. This is done by configuring our device as an OC and giving it high priority, by setting priority1 attribute to low value. In our little network, clock with highest priority will be automatically selected by BMCA as GM. Note that only one port may be selected for an OC.

oc-gm:/#> conf ptp
oc-gm:/config/ptp/#> enable
oc-gm:/config/ptp/#> description name "GM" location "howto"
oc-gm:/config/ptp/#> clock ordinary
oc-gm:/config/ptp/clock-ordinary/#> ports eth4
oc-gm:/config/ptp/clock-ordinary/#> priority1 100
oc-gm:/config/ptp/clock-ordinary/#> end
oc-gm:/config/ptp/#> profile power-v2
oc-gm:/config/ptp/profile-power-v2/#> leave

Our network is composed of 5 devices, out of which one device is our TC. Let us add 4 ports by which our TC is connected to other devices in the network. Note that setting of description attribute is not mandatory but will aid us in debugging and monitoring PTP network later on.

tc:/config/#> ptp
tc:/config/ptp#> enable
tc:/config/ptp#> description name "TC" location "howto"
tc:/config/ptp#> profile power-v2
tc:/config/ptp/profile-power-v2/#> end
tc:/config/ptp#> clock transparent
tc:/config/ptp/clock-transparent/#> ports eth5 eth9..eth11
tc:/config/ptp/clock-transparent/#> end
tc:/config/ptp#> leave

Slave devices are configured as OCs, with their priority1 attribute left untouched. Note that all OC Slave devices will have identical configuration, with the sole exception of port attribute, which may differ from device to device.

oc-slave:/config/#> ptp
oc-slave:/config/ptp#> enable
oc-slave:/config/ptp#> description name "slave1" location "howto"
oc-slave:/config/ptp/#> clock ordinary
oc-slave:/config/ptp/clock-ordinary/#> ports eth4
oc-slave:/config/ptp/clock-ordinary/#> end
oc-slave:/config/ptp#> profile power-v2
oc-slave:/config/ptp/profile-power-v2/#>#> leave

NOTE: Only TC has official support in WeOS. OC may be used only for testing purposes.

Monitoring Status

Now that we have configured our PTP network, we want to know whether it is functioning as expected. We expect to see three slave devices, each synchronized to the GM.

Monitoring of PTP network is possible from any device in the network, by by issuing simple queries from adminexec. Let us issue the following queries from our TC:

show ptp command, see Listing 1, shows current configuration of our device as well as PTP states for each port. We may observe that all ports of our TC are operational, i.e, in MASTER or UNCALIBRATED state and peer delay for each link has been calculated.

show ptp network command may be used to monitor our PTP network, see Listing 2. We observe that in our case slave clocks 00077c.fffe.784fda, 00077c.fffe.78530b and 00077c.fffe.7bf4c5 are closely synchronized to the grandmaster clock as they are within the offset of 7.0, 2.0 and 0.0 nanoseconds respectively.

tc:/#> show ptp
ID                : 00077c.fffe.785325
Type              : TC P2P
Domain            : 0
Mean Path delay   : 0.0
Master Offset     : -669033273898.0
Priority1         : 254
Priority2         : 128
Product           : Westermo;RedFox-5728-E-F16G-T12G-HVHV;00:07:7c:78:53:20
Distance          : 1
Description       : TC
ID                     INTERFACE        STATE          PEER DELAY
00077c.fffe.785325-1   eth9             MASTER         88
00077c.fffe.785325-2   eth10            UNCALIBRATED   94
00077c.fffe.785325-3   eth11            MASTER         11

Listing 1: Transparent clock status.

tc:/#> show ptp network
00077c.fffe.785325     TC P2P  0        -669033063522.0 TC
00077c.fffe.784fda     OC      0        7.0             slave1
00077c.fffe.78530b     OC      0        2.0             slave2
00077c.fffe.7bf4c5     OC      0        0.0             slave3

Listing 2: PTP network status. Collected from Transparent clock.